So, that is the question. Where do you think craziness come from?
Think about it, whatever your answer is right or wrong it really doesn't matter.
Mentally or just out of nowhere, in these days there are too much of craziness.
It is really annoying, fuckin' annoying. Maybe majority of people are just stupid.
Pardon of my rude comment but I'm just being honest. Hey, I am not that stupid nor
smart but I do have common sense.
   I think all of this craziness comes from what we eat. Food, "Huh? That's ridiculous!"
It maybe silly answer but there is saying: "You are what you eat." makes sense. Also,
it's not only food but the lifestyles and environment can have impact of it. A lot of humans
need to realize what they are doing to themselves and control their stuck-up or bitchy
attitudes. Don't even think about blaming some stupid unreasonable crap because no one
is at fault but you as individuals. You must take over and control your habits. If you cannot
do that then there is no hope for you.
   I think I'm crazy but only when I'm excited or extremely happy. Well, I think I'm normal
because I stop at red light or STOP sign when I'm driving. I always take caution. I always
remain calm even if earthquake is 7.9 or hurricane is category 5. I don't need that "digital
diet" shit it's not like I'm texting or tweeting every fuckin 10-20 minutes. I don't need to
worry about debt because I don't splurge like a materialistic bitch. I don't worry about
gossips or people saying nasty comments about me because they're just worthless assholes.
I don't believe in cosmetic surgery makes people beautiful, because it's only for people who
got into horrible accidents; not to make you a slut/fake.
   You be the judge.



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