Now, I don't want to be bias and god I hate to dislike people but the thing is there are times we will never get along nor be friends. However, I can respect all people even I hate that person with passion of fire & ice. This is my simple message to all geeks of deeper geeks; I respect you for your intelligence but don't except me to be your "buddy" or a classmate. Just today there was girl who wants to get so comfortable by impressing her compliment of my tote. I did thank her for her kind words but she reminded me of another girl who was so annoying and tried to take an advantage of me back in Biochemistry I and ugh it makes me want to vomit. I know it sound harsh and cruel but the thing about me is that there are specific people or individuals that I strongly feel we will never get along and I mean NEVER EVER. Even if I have to work with that person that's a different story because it's called teamwork and focusing on work & missions.

 There is a "past life" and whether you are skeptic or not I know we had at least few past lives. Past lives or reincarnation is a same soul who maybe different physical form but in the inside our souls are the same because you are you. I know that when I get along with people or certain individual its because I'm drawn to them because we might have met in different time. For instance my mother and I could have been friends or sisters or you & I were siblings and so on. The point is it's not because I hate you because who you are or what you look like its because we were never meant to be together or be friends. Stop forcing yourself by trying to attention from me because it looks odd and annoying. Sorry, but that's the reality. Mainly, the reason is because you probably were a jerk or caused horrible ways in the past lives where we vowed not to get along.

 Some of you need to get a life and mind your business. Focus on what you need to do and respect for what you have and grateful for. I'm grateful to meet new but positive, kind and respected allies/friends/classmates that I have met or still see around in the campus. I have noticed that there are two "blondies" that I usually see at girls locker room at the FAU gym on Tuesdays & Thursdays. I don't know why you stare or look at me intently for or what ever the f--- is but really knock it off because its getting old & stupid. Like I said before MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS! Well gotta go and enough of my gibberish crap. I need sleep and get ready to workout of my body & mind.

May your soul be grateful and with respect,


A Vamp Rose Diary Blog

Vampress's Diary,
Spirituality, Living & Loving in Mother Nature, Learning & Expanding Knowledge of Everything, Gaining Philosophy, Awaking Magic.


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