Happy Birthday to Edgar Allan Poe as I thought. If he was alive today it would be his 202nd Birthday. Unfortunate for him though, to die in such tragic way... Nobody in fact, do not know what really happened to him. There could have been a fight, plotting him to get poisoned or maybe sudden illness. Any possibilities can be assuming in historic person view. Only accurate detail of his last moments of life was that he was found in horrible condition. He was taken to a hospital somewhere in Baltimore, died on October 7, 1849 at age 40. Now, I don't consider myself bookworm but I do love to read; especially his works.
   There is a person that I know. Never met her (in person), though I wish I had. I have to say that we have so much in common. It is weird because...... goodness, I don't even know where to start! Well, let me start by her name or known nickname: Hikki. Some people get a spark by hearing this name; yes, she is known as Hikaru Utada. She is very famous in Japan & America (sometimes) and did you know? She was born same birthday as Edgar Allan Poe! I think that's awesome, she actually stated that she loves to read his tales & poems. There goes one thing in common, another we share is that we're bilingual. There is more conjoint between us but I personally favor to keep that secret. Also, I definitely would love to meet her someday.
   It's going to sound strange when I explain this but I feel that part of Edgar Allan Poe's soul lives within her in psychic sense. I don't know why but it feels like it, from what I can recall. It was one of TV show interview in Japan that she said, "I would love to open my very own bookstore someday, be an author and that is one of my dreams." I hope she does because it will be interesting what her book is going to be about. Lastly, I know that he is in a place called Heaven. Smiling down at his fan readers while he still continues to write (probably).

R.I.P. Edgar Allan Poe
"He who is the greatest American writer of Love & Death."
Peace & Love,


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