Happy Valentine's Day! Ahhh~ can you just feel the love is in the air?
 Or do you see cupids flying around & shooting arrows? Or is it time for romantic get-away?
 Well, whatever your plans for this day, you better make it amor vin-cit om-nia in Latin meaning
 'love conquers everyhing.'
     Don't forget that Valentine's Day is not only about between 2 lovers but that you also love
 your friends. Now, people that are single (like me) are still fortunate so, don't panic! (Just wait and
 true love will come to you.) In fact, I really enjoy being single for now because I hate "rushing"
 in relationships, it's just not me. If there is someone out there, who is truly willing to be my eternal lover
 then I will be his immortal lover.
     Thank God for Valentine's Day existed it's actually my second favorite holiday. Anyways, have fun, don't
 forget to give: hugs, kisses, chocolates, valentine's cards, roses, red wine, etc.
 Peace & Love,


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