As life amazes me in many ways, I come to realize piece by piece in mini series of my own wisdom and inspiration from other people. Just a few days ago or recently my favorite actress Angelina Jolie made a bold and awe moment statement on the Nickelodeon Award Show: "It's okay to be different." Quoting, “I want to say that when I was little, like Maleficent, I was told that I was different. And I felt out of place, and too loud, and too full of fire, never good at sitting still, never good at fitting in. And then one day, I realized something – something that I hope you all realize: Different is good. So don’t fit in, don’t sit still, don’t ever try to be less than what you are. And when someone tells you that you are different, smile, and hold your head up high and be proud. And, as your villain, I would also say, cause a little trouble – it’s good for you.” When I heard that on the news, it made me cry and smile at the same tine. I was like "Wow, there is somebody who awaken my true self." In fact I agree with her because for what I know I am different than average people. 

 I never fit in back when I was little and up to high school. I would be told by bullies and harassers like: "go back where you came from," being punched because they said I was too weak when I was about in middle school. Even at different school on the weekends, I would go to Japanese School in the SONY building in Boca Raton, FL back in the day and other classmates would say things like "you're Japanese, and don't know how to use dictionary?" or being mocked by others because Japanese was my second language. I had a such a hard life even to this day but I have overcome it by my courage and many years of strength with determination. I am shy but that doesn't mean I'm not afraid of what I want to say to haters. I may not know everything or an straight A fucking student but I sure know every bit of thing that catches my interest, reading books, newspapers and other articles. I maybe self centered or anti-social but I like to be wise, be in a safe environment and gain trust. I can be cold but when you respect yourself and others with morals then you can be sure to count on me if you need a hand. I like to be odd or eccentric but that doesn't mean I'm weird or a bad person.

 As long as I live, I don't care about what stereotypical academic or professionals think about me as a student. They don't know me, they don't know what I struggle with or the challenges that I deal with in everyday situations. Most people in these days can be hypocrite and lost the basics of common sense and their gift of intuition. I'm grateful for I am, I thank God regardless whatever you believe or religious background is because I was meant to be here on this Earth. I know my mission and will complete for whatever it takes because as I still learn, grow my sixth sense, I feel there is nothing that you can't do but what you can. I may be taking to slow with m education degree but you know what? I don't give a fuck because this is my path, my life, my education for the better future and I'm a fighter, hunger and a proud "fool." So, don't judge me when you don't know who I really am before getting to know me because I hate that, I mean I REALLY HATE IT.

 This goes out to anyone who was lonely and may still be. Take her advice, believe in yourself and if you realized you're not alone because God truly exists. If you do good karma, God is good to you and He loves you more than Himself. I know that because I am a human, because I am me, because I am a girl whose ancestors blood is known as "The Land of the Rising Sun." If I don't exist physically, that doesn't mean I'm gone for my soul is forever, an immortal. We were born this way as Lady Gaga sings, we were meant to be born in this beautiful world we breathe, we grow to takes steps into our mission, we learn and gain wisdom, we laugh to stay positive and we cry because we know why that when time comes every story has its end. You are unique in your way, so have courage and dare to be different keep your head held high and walk very proudly. Don't let anyone tell you what you can't do, don't let anyone make you feel less and don't let anyone stop you on your goals.

 That's all I have to say for I need to finish my homework report, Lol! Take-care and have a lovely Thursday night and a wonderful weekend. May God Bless to each and every oddballs out there!

Peace & Love,


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Vampress's Diary,
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