There is a saying that no matter what your status is or how rich or poor you are you'll end up in a grave when your time comes. A grave that every one of us no matter who we are or what we did we will end up in a tomb with messages and showered with bright beautiful flowers. That's a fact, this is an answer to a man of three who came the last to over closing time where I work at a retail store. A time that was supposed to be closed but since these rich, spoiled oh and yes, one of them stated that he was a CEO of an entrepreneur. Since I have strength in curiousity as the famous Alice (one of my favorite character of Disney) I did a google research. Ah! I met a famous African-American dude and he was a contestant of The Apprentice. Randal Pinkett and yes he has an degree level of Ph.D so I should call him Dr. but I the right not to. And let's not get into this twisted statements of "Republicans are racist or KKK" shenanigans. As a political enthusiast, proud nationalist and believer in Alt-Right yes, I'm proud of who I am and huge supporter of my President Donald J. Trump. Let's admit it, deplorables perfectly rhymes with adorables does snowflakes rhymes with resistance? Nah, didn't think so. 

  What's really interesting is that Randal Pinkett is CEO and there is a good reason for that. He started making money by selling lemonade and even selling his toys to make money. A money to start a business with entrepreneurship spirit. That's not a bad thing that's a good, hungry passion to make companies starting in right marketing direction and that's the only thing I will respect him. However, I will not respect on how acted on that late at night treated hard-working and exhausted employee. The company that I work for is generally a Pharmacy store, supposedly 24 hour but some same stores don't open 24 hours. Customers needs to keep in mind and pay attention at the front of outside store so that they can see the store hours. But I assume no a lot of people have common sense in these days and they prefer someone do the spoon feeding process everywhere they go and/or do. Which is pity, and it goes to show how embarrassment it is that we have these people or like him shows who most democrats are, mentally-ill, unstable imbeciles and full of lies with a hint of racism or discrimination tantrums.

  I'm a proud Ex-Democrat Reborn as a strong Republican believer and will always will be and never going back EVER. Randal Pinkett, a liar and evil power of threatening a young girl heavy on her shoulders who not only lives her parents but takes care of them for two reasons. Both parents are retired and one of her parents have a medical condition of Interstitial Cystitis or I.C. (if you don't know Google it, that's your homework) and the other Type 1 Diabetes. Even though the employee should have been nicer to them, they should've respected the employees by having them on hold and should have gotten out immediately with their purchase. I'm a strong believer in customer is always right but they are not always right and whether you agree or disagree or hate me because of my political view and Trump Supporter well, my audience you entitled to what you the want to believe but verbally provoking and violence is definitely not part of Amendment 1 nor part of USA Constitution. Period. 

  About a week later, the rich spoiled rented Mercedes-Benz trios not so gentlemen sent out a complaint on that girl. She was warned by two of the store managers that if this happens again then she will be terminated. Poor girl, and the main smug CEO even threatened by getting attorney because of that. For what? Rich black guy that has never matured or been classy like President Trump & Vice President Mike Pence. And even making up stories about President being racist, he's not a racist my dear but I know you are and the rest liberal fans of Muslim terror threatening Europeans and White humans because what happened in the past. Get over it and stop antagonizing her because of her gender & race. 

  Just because your CEO and a customer, you're entitled nothing. You never learned nothing. You never learned to be classy. You never learned kindness. You never learned how to be humble. Most importantly you never learned to be respectful to yourself. You never learned how to be compassionate and you never learned blood, sweat, tears to be a real customer from bottom to top. What do you know customer service NOTHING. Absolutely nothing, especially like democrats like you who do you think you are drinking a beverage without paying first then never pays it. It shows A LOT of who you are, you're nothing but a thug of spoiled rich brat never learned any hunger or how to be stone like a steel. Donald J. Trump Jr. got more class than your success. Eric Trump has a lot more compassion who are going through chronic children in need by his Eric Trump Foundation. You probably never took care of your parents but yourself. You're not a real example of CEO or in entrepreneur. I have a family who is CEO and a real hustler for an age of 70 over and he is deepest compassionate respected man. My grandfather was a honorable Imperial Guardian Soldier of Japan. 

  What I know about customer service is to be professional, polite more than your soul ever could be. You not only lost my respect but sooner or later I hope your company goes sour to disaster. You've got a long way to learn and reflect on your behavior with your buddy and some other middle eastern dude. How dare you get all hyped up when you know there was announcement that the store is about to be closed. You maybe shopping but those people are working with all their waking strength left. Very nasty and toxic for a CEO. The manager even stated that you and your gang was a total jerk. I can completely understand that because it reminds me the rich liberals think they can rape Conservatives making accusations of lies. Obamacare is one clear example that is going to kill Americans. I regret voting One Big Ass Mistake America. At least Aaron Genus is a true patriot African-American that I will respect and be friends with. Call me racist and bigot, it ain't going to finch me one bit honey. Work on your behavior and how you talk to people. So damn glad President Trump is my President. DOn't like hi go back to your ancestry of West Africa where you should belong. 



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