Dear Japan and to ALL OVER THE WORLD,

Let me introduce to you Ryan, the boy who is good to tell or tweet a stranger on how to
"Shut up, idiot." On twitter, all because he's side with immature USA! Japan Bashing.
So Ryan, the boy who laughs at one of my tweet. #ThankYou

I will not go down because of your idiocy and mockery.
You are a white the negative type who's got a trait for the KKK.
So, I will henceforth and put you down first and make this public like other idiots including yourself;
about why you should have think twice before you tweet me.
Oh, that's right. You can't think because if you did then you wouldn't tweet me in a first place.
Which concludes you are a retarded kid who has a lot of time to do selfies.
There are two types of selfies: decent with classic atmosphere and the assholes.
You're the asshole in Level 4 stage which you should be proud of.
I'm assuming you have a job, in school, or baseball player for Matanzas Baseball 2016.
Hope karma uses the ball and hits your head so HARD boosts back into common sense (hopefully).
It would be so funny that some lunatic girl who has a crush on you chased you down a street with a baseball bat.
OMG, that is so hilarious revenge from my perspective view.

Sweetie, you don't know who I am as a real person.
You have no idea what it's like to be minority.
You have no idea being a full blood Japanese is a honorable thing to me.
After what my ancestors, the nation, my parents being a legal hard working immigrants.
Being born in SoFlo of USA.
You don't know ANY hardships that we had to go through.
You don't know because you are a typical Westerner who knows about power, mockery and founded discrimination and racist words.

You don't know because you haven't passed the test called "No Pain, No Gain."
Boy, I'm in my late twenties but I have a precious brain of a wise philosopher.
I look like a child, act like one which retains my youth but I know damn well to act like;
a true mature, respect and have morals representing a true American.
I speak Japanese fluently, read and write; I sacrificed my weekends to go Japanese School.
I hated it but now, I'm so grateful because of it and made me realize that Japan is a great country with lots of wisdom in its beauty.

For you to say: Japs.
For to tweet me: shut up idiot.
Honey, you're lucky now. But if you said that to another person who is or likes Japan and is an American.
You're so screwed.
Just imagine you're in busy traffic and encountered some tough love.
May the road rage happens to you if you keep up with your mockery & stupidity.

I'm 100 times ahead of everything I did and I do on everyday basis.
I work hard, play hard.
I don't ever give up even if it's my last breath of this world.
You are just the majority of young and rich spoiled kids who don't have guts to sweat & bleed.
Bet you're a straight A or an honor student with flying colors.
But don't know history and how to learn and gain it by moving forward.
Learn your History douche bag but then again, the education system in this nation is crippling.
Education is to act classy, an attitude of mannerisms.
Seems like you lack of it, poor guy who will grow up to be a genitalman instead of gentleman.

You are a PERFECT example of a rising star of bad image of America who will NEVER learn.
Grow up
Have Morals
Articulate Language
Speaking &/or Learning another Language
Do a simple math without a calculator
but very good at bullying, making fun of other people like myself.
Excellent VOGUE pose for selfie of 2015
Performing Science Lab experiment and typing with lots of typos & grammar errors.
Playing Mozart or Vivaldi on a piano
Famous people like Audery Hepburn, songs from The Beatles, Led Zeppelin
Working at a job but fails miserably on multi-tasking
Don't know how spend and save money by clipping coupons & using it while on sale
Bitching & complaining about shit.
Just in my SARCASM beast mode & telling the true predictions of your life.

I know, no need to applause because I know Damn well and so does God that I'm gifted individual.
Thank you for the laughter, you wanna know why because I AM BETTER THAN YOU.
You, Ryan young no experience of shutting your potty mouth for your sake.
"You are what you eat" they say.
So I assume you eat a lot of SHIT like: Hershey's, Red Meat, French Fries, Cole Slaw, or dude lets not forget Coke, Beer and other heavy taste unhealthy, not organic and GMOs.
Seriously, I think YOU need to Shut The Fuck Up little boy.

You're laughing so hard because you are a fucktard.
Poor guy, doesn't know my sarcastic message.
You are an perfect example of why stupid & hideous are an embarrassment of why Americans (which you are not whether or not you disagree with me).
Here is another racist term that you still don't know how to say correctly.
It's Japanese not:
So Ryan, You SHUT YOUR POTTY MOUTH and don't you ever dare talk to me like you know me.
Because you don't know who you're communicating with, IDIOT.
Why are you tweeting when I Blocked/Reported your tweets.
Like, you talk against the wall?!
How mentally fucked up you are. 😂 LMAO~!!!
By the way, you are nothing different to that stupid sociopath Dylann Roof.

Also, I do have friends that are white and/or Westerners but they are not assholes like yourself & your buddies.
Too bad, you should have put Palm Springs, CA instead of Palm Coast, FL.
You know nowadays people can track your location.
Good Luck with your smarty ass attitude.
Be sure go to the beach, because sharks sure love to bite your flesh out of your weak body.
Watch your back, fucktard.

You are minor age silly boy, I'm waaay older than you! I have my right to tweet AND use the 1st Amendment. A fucking stupid, bigot & negative white boy like you don't have any rights to tell me what to do. Remember that, wait you can't remember that's right because you're a RETARD. I wonder if you ever talk back to anybody that's older than you because if we go back into good old days on a time machine, I would be spanking the living shit out of you for a discipline with a leather belt. Go to another country and it still continues. That is why Ryan other countries have morals, respect and well behaved because they don't talk to their elderly BECAUSE THEY KNOW BETTER, Crackhead.



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