Dear Readers,

   There are too many, crazy things going on and one example I can easily come out in my mind is shooting incidents. You know did you ever think or wonder this came out to be? Is it because we are only thinking ourselves or is it just how it is? There is a saying that: "Everything happens for a reason." And yes, I'm a true believer in that. It seems like nowadays we live in a place, especially, living in US being born & raised things has changed into destruction at nonstop and increasing rate of careless reck. It's sad, very sad, so sad that majority of people are just simply heartless and don't give a fuck. Well, that goes same for me unfortunately, because a lot of you are so retarded don't know how to keep control and calm yourself. So, don't come into my face telling have some "little compassion" or "well, that's too bad isn't it" attitude. You don't know how the society has effected me because of disgrace human beings exists out there. 

   Just to clarify about these two quotes that was told by patients that I dealt with in the last few weeks. Screw the HIPAA policy, not an excuse but people just break rules because they think they can. To Cora White who lives in NJ, 30 years of A.A. or known as Alcoholic Abuse. You are one heck, sad and a bit of hypocrite washed out mentally disabled woman who are still effected from it. I remember you told me have a "little compassion" and taunting me about telling to Doctor about it? You can go say that to yourself in the mirror old hag, don't you ever talk to me when we've just met. You don't know very well who I am and dealt with in MY Life. It's your fault that you, yourself put in hands of booze. People like you are weaklings whose souls don't have guts to move on instead fuck with alcohol beverage. First of all, having compassion is obvious and most important list in working clinical &/or medical office. I do have compassion, in fact they or the doctor would not have bothered hired me if I didn't have a compassion, bitch. Next time watch what you say and don't worry the next time you come in, I'll be sure to avoid you.
   And to Irene Gerard, grand old lady in her what 90's? Watch the way you speak honey. You are no worthy to judge my work performance just because you've been a long follow up patient & I'm new employee. I was graciously trained by people who has been working as techs for at least 10 years or more. I'm a fast learner but has great heart, even if I act like sassy girl. With all due respect, I was applaud the way you were acting while I was taking care of you. Especially when checking IOP, don't be a cunt like I described and same goes to any other patient, if you get anything 20 or under 20 that is good standard pressure numbers in your eyes. The reason it was at that range on the day of your visit was two possibilities: 1) there was a little high pressure because you were somehow too intense in your mental state or 2) in physiological aspect there was something going on with your body. Not to worry, as we get older at some point our bodies change and yes, I do understand with your "ridiculous" disagreement there because every individual body has its on exact number or their normal range. Lastly, they way you spoke to me was officially rude and I pity the way you act, but what can I say you're a Democrat; a typical Asshole donkey bitch.

   As to other craziness situations that occurs everywhere. Watch where you're driving, the way you interact people or to me. Because I'm not your bull shit sponge, you who are nothing but lunatics get your shit together and stop eating so much crap & junk. Along with usage of your smartphones and other unhealthy activities. It's not my fault for your misery and all other issues. Don't get me wrong, I do have issues but you know what I don't take it out on others because I know better. It's all about control, being truthful and have respect. Think about TPO, or known as Time Place and Occasion haven't your parents, guardians, god parents or your mentors taught you to mannerisms. Oh wait, I guess not because the education is so bad and poor, parents or relatives don't care about their children so what's the point, right? Most of you are so stupid, thanks for making me sick and stronger at the same time. If you dare to think I'm a mentally ill bitch well, you are one fucked up troller who still don't get my point. Do yourself a favor, and google or youtube how much people are retards. That will make you STFU. Later haters, idiots and psychos.



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