My heart just shattered like a broken glass.
After hearing the news from Newton, Connecticut,
that there was a shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School.
Why?!  Does the shooting has to occur again?
Few days ago there was shooting in a mall at Oregon,
shooting at a Movie Theater in Aurora, CO and many tragedies.

 27 people died, 20 of them children. Children, as President Obama said:
"Our children." Who had so much to go, their upcoming birthdays, holidays,
graduations, weddings, and brightful futures gone. 6 Adults who were parents,
friends, families, will never come back. And 1 cruel man who killed his own
Mother then killing himself, makes me sick. 

 Life is the most precious thing that you breathe to feel in this world.
Nowadays, there are too many people who are stressed out and that
they need to go out there on killing spree on innocent lives.
Stress that are creating empty hearts because of personal struggles.
It's so sad... when I watched and listened to President Obama's comments,
made me cry because I couldn't bear to see him heartbroken.
But I still have my heart full with love, hope and light.

 Guns? They, the government should do something about that damn 
piece of s***. I don't care, I mean by: the constitution of gun policies
for protection, people with licensed firearms, or because of $$$; that is
not a reason you should carry it. Don't you see? It kills, especially when
it gets on the wrong hands. ALL of states should make it abolished but
only people who are police officers or security guards can carry it.

 Most of all, I want to say to the communities of Newton, Connecticut,
especially to the victims of families/friends/and to those that lost their dearly
love ones; you have my deepest sympathies. May God Bless you, let time
heal you. R.I.P. to those who lost their life. I pray with hope and sending lots
of warm light with love & care.

Peace & Love,


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